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Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research

A.N. Kuznetsov, A.A. Novik, E.V. Trunova, T.I. Ionova

Quality of life assessment in patients with local symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsy undergoing different anti-epileptic treatment

The purpose of this study was to evaluate quality of life in patients with local symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsy during monotherapy with different antiepileptic drugs.

After baseline, there were no significant differences between different groups in terms of quality-of-life parameters. After 24 weeks of treatment there were significantly higher quality of life parameters in the levetiracetam and lamotrigin groups in comparison with the carbamazepin and valproate groups. Quality of life parameters were lower in patients with higher frequency of adverse effects.

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