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Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research 2018/31-32



Ionova T. I., Nikitina T. P.
The value of quality of life assessment in pediatric rehabilitation

Ionova T. I.
Principles of linguistic and cultural adaptation of quality of life questionnaires


Fedorenko D. A., Melnichenko V. Y., Zinkovskaya A. V., Nikitina T. P., Ionova T. I.
Quality of life in Hodgkin lymphoma patients before autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation influences treatment outcome

Petrova A. N., Ionova T. I., Chelysheva E. Y., Zinkovskaya A. V., Bykova A. V., Krasikova P. S., Nemchenko I. S., Nikitina T. P., Porfirieva N. M., Shukhov A. O., Tsyba N. N., Turkina A. G.
Quality of life in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia in deep molecular remission after stopping treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: interim results

A. G. Ferdohleb
Quality of life in patients after reconstructive surgery for benign strictures of bile ducts

Ferdohleb A. G.
National aspects of the GSRS questionnaire implementation for patients after reconstructive surgeries for strictures of bile ducts

Evdokimova Т. А., Potapchuk A. A., Zarovkina L. A.
Quality of life assessment in cardiovascular patients during cardiorehabilitation

Yushkovskaya O. G., Plakida A. L., Usenko E. A.
Influence of the application of functional nutrition on the quality of life of patients with ischemic heart disease at the sanatorium-stage of rehabilitation


Verushkina A. S., Gorbunov V. I.
Evolution of approaches to the research of quality of life in medicine of the second half of the 20th century


Sherbakov G. I.
Evaluation of functional index of life and quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis with and without anemia


Ionova T. I., Nikitina T. P.
Principles for the choice of quality of life questionnaires in pediatric studies

Zinkovskaya A. V.
Regression analysis. The choice of predictors for inclusion in regression model. Types of regression models distinctive for quality of life research


Information for membership in Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research (MCQLR)


Report on I National Interdisciplinary Congress with international participation «Physical and rehabilitation medicine in pediatrics: traditions and innovations» and Symposium «Child’ quality of life and rehabilitation care», 6–7 April 2018, Moscow

Report on the meeting of the EHA Scientific Working Group «Quality of Life and Symptoms» within the 23nd Annual European Hematology Association congress, 16 June 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

Report on the MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer, 28–30 June, 2018,

Vienna, Austria

Annual Conference of International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL), 24–27 October 2018, Dublin, Ireland (information)


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