M. F. Trapeznikova, D. N. Doronchuk, V. V. Dutov, V. N. Shirshov
Quality of life in patients with urolithiasis : stent or nephrostomy
A sociological study was made of quality of life of 60 patients with nephrostomic drainage and 71 patients with urethral stent according to standard international questionnaries SF-36 and EORTC QLQ-C30, version 3.0. It was found that both internal and external drain significantly aggravate quality of life in the same degree.
Younger patients of both groups suffered less. Quality of life was higher in both groups in drainage up to 1 month (p<0,05), in 1 to 6 month draining quality of life was worse in both groups. Internal drainage was worse tolerated by males aged 25-44 years and elderly woman aged 60-75 years, especially in long-term drain (over 6 month).
Internal drainage was worse tolerated by elderly females (60-75 years of age) and senile women (over 75 years) in 6 month and longer drainage. The study of large number of patients revealed significant differences in quality of life in patients with nephrostomic drain and urethral stent.