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Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research

А. А. Новик, Т. И. Ионова, Д. А. Федоренко, Т. П. Никитина, С. А. Калядина, К. А. Курбатова

Symptom monitoring in patients with hematological malignancies at early and long-term follow-up after autologous bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

The article represents the results of symptom monitoring in patients with hematological malignancies at early and long-term follow-up after autologous bone marrow/hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (BMT/HSCT). Symptom assessment was performed with MDASI questionnaire. Patients completed questionnaire before transplantation, in a month, 3, 6, and 12 months after BMT/HSCT.
The data on symptom severity and symptom profile gained from the study allow obtaining more comprehensive understanding on regularities of changes in condition of post transplant patients. The results show how useful symptom assessment can be for prompt symptom management in these patients.

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