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Bulletin of the Multinational Center for Quality of Life Research

Bulletin of the Multinational Center of Quality of Life Research

E. V. Shnitkova, N. A. Kulikova, I. S. Sesorova, S. A. Ushakov, N. A. Balandin

Quality of life of students of medical academy

The article contains the indicators of quality of life of students of medical faculty of Medical Academy, Ivanovo. The survey was attended by 1000 students. The study of quality of life of students was carried out using a standardized questionnaire MOS-SF-36. Evaluation of the survey results showed that almost all the students of the Academy have a high rate of physical activity.

Other options were distributed in descending order as follows: social functioning and role functioning due to emotional stat»; role functioning due to the state of health and pain intensity; General health; Mental health. At the last place is the indicator life activity. The overall physical health component of the students of the medical faculty was 53,4+0,93, and has no significant difference between the average rates on the I-VI courses.

The mental health component of the students of the academy below (p<0,05), than the index of the physical component of 21,5 % and amounted to 41,93+0,93. Indicators of the quality of life and reflect the state of the physical and neuro-psychological health of students may in the future be used for the assessment of the university environment. A number of profiles have noted a discrepancy between the subjective perception of the students of his life and objective evidence about its quality.

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