A.A. Novik, K.V.Liadov, A.N. Kuznetcov, T.I. Ionova, I.A. Lisukov, A.V. Kishtovich
Quality of life assessment in multiple sclerosis patients after blood stem cell transplantation
The perspectives of peripheral stem cell transplantion ( PSCT) for patients with multiple sclerosis have been intensively studied during the last decade.
As far as multiple sclerosis detriments patient's quality of life to a large extent parameters of physical, psychological and social well-being of a patient with multiple sclerosis after high-dose therapy with peripheral stem cell transplantation are important treatment outcomes.
The aim of the present research was to provide individual monitoring of quality of life parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis after peripheral stem cell transplantation as well as comparison of sensitivity of quality of life questionnaires. It was shown that high dose tharapy and peripheral stem cell transplantation improves quality of life of patients with muptiple sclerosis. Each of quality of life parameters exhibits individual dynamics which depends on the time after transplantation and peculiarities of disease course. Quality of life assessment is more sensitive and reliable method to assess transplantation outcomes than standard index EDSS. It is reasonable to provide quality of life assessment along with assessing EDSS.
FAMS questionnaire is more sensitive and informative instrument to evaluate quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis after high dose therapy and peripheral stem cell transplantation.